
Ephesians 4:1-16

Sermon Notes:

1) Unity Defined (vv.1-6)
a) Virtues we prioritize (vv.2-3)
b) Truths we profess (vv.4-6)

2) Unity Displayed (vv.7-16)
a) The Gifts for Unity (vv.7-12)
- 'Unity in Diversity' (v.7)
- The Gift-Giver: Jesus Christ (v.8-10)
- Specific Gifts for the Ministry of the Word (v.11)
- The Main Task: Equipping the Church for Service (v.12)

b) The Goals of Unity (vv.13-16)
- Adulthood: To Become Fully Like Jesus (The Main Goal; v.13)
- Spiritual Infancy: A Threat to Unity and Ministry in the Church (v.14)
- Spiritual Maturity... Marked by Love: Becoming More Like Jesus (vv.15-16)